The party enters the last room, a circular chamber sixty feet across with a golden statue on a pedestal in the center. The statue depicts the lady of beasts, a heretical version of Ryanna with the head of a lioness, ears of a donkey, and the legs of a goat. As they enter, the statue transforms into a Naunet before their eyes. Guy springs into combat faster than the foe can react and knifes it in the gut. Unfortunately, the usual organs seems to be missing and the creature barely notices. Barth charges forward to hold it in place while Clooney hits it with a touch of idiocy. Naunet strikes back with its tail, grabbing and squeezing Clooney in its tight grip. Gnick charges in to rescue him, casting Scatterscree to pelt the weird unnatural creature with stones. Ash also advances, and enchants Barth's weapon. Guy moves around to the other side of the beast, but cannot land a blow. Barth's attacks are also repelled by the creature's strangely repellent hide, but Clooney does manage to use the distraction to change into a spice weasel and --- BAM --- escape.
The creature pounds Ash with its tentacles, but Ash holds his ground, and it bites at Barth in frustration. Gnick heals, and Ash shoots it with a Ray of Enfeeblement. Guy stabs it again, while Barth is finally able to land a solid blow, enhanced by Ash's magic. Clooney gives it an intimidating glare, but the creature is able to land a tail strike on Guy, grabbing him while he lands a tremendous bite on Barth. Gnick tries to remember where he's heard about this sort of creature before, but can't come up with anything. He then wraps up Ash's wounds, helping him somewhat. Ash begins charging up his chakra, while Guy wriggles free, though Guy's trip attempt does not succeed. The Naunet charges forward to attack Barth, landing a blow that Barth is able to shrug off. Ash kamehameha's the creature, giving it pause as the rest of the party prepares to flee.
Guy moves up to assist their flight, trying to trip it again. The minion of Chaos grabs Barth with its tail and drives him into unconsciousness with the tightness of his squeeze. In response, Gnick moves back up to regenerate his comrades with divine energy. Guy steps up to help Barth escape from the creature's tail, and Barth retreats back. Clooney creates an illusion to slow it down, but the illusion only slows it down, and it's bite incapacitates Guy. Ash is able to let out another torrent of inner radiance. Gnick treats Guy, and Guy scatters caltrops in an attempt to cover the Barthknockers' escape. Meanwhile, Clooney fires off some magic missiles to slow it down. The protean however charges through the caltrops, knocking Clooney unconscious. Gnick heals Clooney, then continues his retreat. Clooney casts another phantom cloud, and Guy grabs weasel-form Clooney to run.
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