Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Session 12: Slavering Beast (Courtesy of Ash)


As Captain Rapacion turned into a slavering beast, again nude, I couldn't help but wonder if cornering us was his way of asking to be killed. As he was one wolfman versus a now moderately oiled force, the fight was mercifully short. Bart absorbed the majority of the blows as is his wont, while most of us took turns igniting the erstwhile Captain's fur on fire.

We rested once more, and there were some interesting rumors, but after some discussion, we decided that for now, the circus in Tervel was the most important destination to free Mario.

Happy to turn my back on Leene, we headed to the circus. I was reminded of my early years in Lyonia, making a living traveling from town to town, telling fortunes and warming beds. How many bastards are out there, and how many will inherit my curse? My only solace is hoping my little trouser eggs are poached by that self-same curse and the flames that surround me at times, so the answer is none.

Awaking from my reverie, we pulled up to Tervel and found that this circus that had employed Gnick was far larger and less transient than I had been picturing. Given that no performances were scheduled for the day, I began reconnoitering. I did not see the need for guile or disguise, as a person like myself would be a natural fit and this might be one of the few places where I didn't raise an eyebrow or two. I wasn't able to find the unicorns, but did talk to some of the workmen about the owners. I will meet up with the others around sundown to compare notes and decide what to do next.

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