Monday, January 10, 2022

Session 13: Welcome to the Funhouse

As the sun set over Tervel, the party continued to investigate the circus. Guy focused on the funhouse, believing that there children being held inside based on the rumors he had heard at the Proud Home. However, an obstinate gnome manned (gnomed?) the entrance, and refused to let Guy in, insisting it was being remodeled. Bart tried to see if there was somewhere in the back that could be crowbarred, but the fun house was surprisingly sturdy, and with the tight construction, there was no where to place the tool. Ash insisted that they couldn't just punch out a guard without more evidence, and so Guy made a note to return to the circus at a later date when they knew more about whether there were in fact missing children.

Bart had been exploring the east side of the circus before investigating the funhouse. In the center of the campus, he found a calliope. The organist, a human named Grimaldi, was happy to play a little tune for Bart on his instrument. Remi meanwhile continued to explore the sideshow tents before they met up near the cages to try and come up with a plan.

Clooney finally managed to pick the lock of his cage, but found the lock of Mario's cage too difficult, and with the prying eyes of the animal's overseer, they didn't want to tempt fate by trying too many times. Guy came over to try his hand, but likewise found it beyond his abilities. Together with Ash, they decided they should steal the wagon imprisoning Mario. Ash would distract the circus people by driving away their horses with fire, and Clooney, Guy, and Remi would hook the wagon cage to their own horses and drive off. Meanwhile, Gnick explained the plan to Mario. Surprisingly, the plan went off without a hitch! (Well, technically, one hitch). Once they were away from the circus, they had the time to free Mario, and give him directions as to where to find Peaches.

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