Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Session 12: This Used to be a Playground


As the party heard a noise behind them, they turned around to see a wolfman, still clad in the tatters of the Captain's clothing. The combat that ensued was vicious but over quickly, with only Clooney sustaining any real injury, though he did not appear to suffer any lasting effects. The mayor was quick with praise, if not a monetary award, and tried to convince the party to stay on as guards. But their duty to rescue Mario the unicorn impelled them onwards. The weather mitigated as they traveled south, spending one night at the Proud Home before arriving in Tervel. The circus dominated that town, well known for the various schools of tricks, acrobatics, and circustry. 

The party decided that a variety of approaches towards scouting out the tents would be the best way to figure out how to move forward. Gnick advocated for letting the animals out and burning it all down, but the group thought this would attract too much attention. Clooney disguised himself as, in the words of Bart, a "dumb looking furry lion creature," and was welcomed to the ring of wagoned cages that included Mario the unicorn. He tried to pick the lock on his cage, but it was more difficult than he expected. Meanwhile the eponymous dwarf walked around carrying a box, trying to look like he belonged. Remi tried to charm the strong man, but was himself dazzled by the charms of his new best friend, the dancer of the seven veils. Gnick and Ash also toured the facility, where Gnick had a short conversation with Mario and promised he would get him out of there. He also saw a dumb looking furry lion creature that asked him to let it out, but Gnick didn't want to cause too much excitement. Guy was headed for the circus, but got distracted by some a shop selling nice afghans.

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