Saturday, November 6, 2021

Session 8: Random Things my GM Thought Were Good Ideas

Ever have one of those dreams where you are standing in front of creatures you can't identify and they are attacking a unicorn?? I think I may still be reeling from the affects of fighting the mushroom people? I have no idea, but this is where I found myself with my comrades as I regained conciseness. 

Barth, ever the fellow to throw himself head long in combat ran straight away into what would soon be the fray and started hacking with his axe. Everyone joined suit and within a short time we defeated these creatures and saved the unicorn. Gnick and I spoke with the unicorn and he explained how he came to be in this situation and the plight of his brother unicorn having escaped the circus. We felt bad that he now has to search for his brother but we wouldn't be able to help with this at the moment. We wished him well in finding his brother and went on our way. 

We've decided that we should head back to Perrin. We can return with our heads held high alerting the town to our successfully ending the threat from the druids and leshies. Barth is excited he can work in the blacksmith shop and repair/upgrade his armor. I need to check in with my family and see how things are going back at home. 

On the road we happened upon a traveler bearing a crest of  local group of militants. Under normal circumstances I would expect some hostility for my parentage but this adventurer seemed affable enough and even expressed some interest in our joining his group of comrades. All in all this was an interesting meeting as we've gathered not only does this group have a problem with the king but this individual hales from an area we planned to investigate. The local lord of this Castle Amber may have an association with the druid we just dispatched. 

Further along the road we spied a group of Gnolls. Expecting the worst we prepared ourselves for an ambush. Quite unexpectedly they were only on the search of information. They requested from us if we knew of the whereabouts of a Wemic. Though we had no clue of such a GnollsAsh had some general knowledge of, or an image of this creature being somewhere east of us. The Knolls thanked us for our information and mentioned there would be a reward for the capture of this criminal. We were told to share any information we had at an Inn in Perrin. I must say here that I am quite alarmed that in all my years in Perrin I've never seen nor known that you could pass information to Gnolls? There is something going on at home that I am not aware of and it doesn't feel right. 

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