Monday, October 21, 2013

Weather Systems

I want to have weather in the Goblin Wars campaign, even though it'll probably be more important in the next campaign, "Fantasy Pommerania". The most realistic way of doing this is to steal weather from a comparable real world location. Morachi is at the end of a long bay, and at a moderately high latitude, so I chose Portland, OR. I started off copying down high, low, precipitation, and wind speed, but I want three years of data, and that's going to take forever. So instead, I'm just going to note a rough description of the temperature, the precipitation (including cloudy, etc.), and any special details. I also want the temperature to have some effect. I borrowed some of the names of temperature ranges from Alex, but my chart is not as detailed as his.

Blazing  > 100 Characters wearing chain mail or heavier armor take -1 to d20 rolls and must rest more often
Hot       75-99 Characters wearing chain mail or heavier armor must rest more often
Pleasant 55-75 No effect
Cool     40-55  No effect
Chilly    32-40  Characters not dressed for cold weather take -1 to d20 rolls
Cold     20-32  Characters not dressed for cold weather take -1 to d20 rolls and cannot recover spells
Polar     <  20   As above, but requires magic to stay warm

The ability to sleep well (ie, recover spells) is dependent on whether the temperature dips below 32. As always, I'm happy for advice, especially on whether more effects or different ones are warranted.

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